Friday, February 5, 2010

Holding On!

They are continually trying to get Eli more stable, and he is really needing a new liver. The sooner the better! I know we have been asking for a lot of prayer, now we need more! Thank you to everyone who is praying!!


  1. Ask away for prayer! We are more than happy praying!

  2. We will continue to pray for all of you. Our hearts break for you even though we don't know you. We can attest to God working miracles as my brother-in-law was diagnosed with Leukemia in August, in October they told us he had a month to live, and God worked a miracle and he got a bone marrow transplant in December and for now is holdng strong. Praying for you!

  3. Kip and Cathy, I can't tell you how many times during the day I am praying for you and precious little E. Stay strong in the Lord, He will carry you through!! With Love,
    Lois Rogness

  4. We are honored to pray for your little man! Praying away all day!

  5. Everyone in the Bjorndahl home is lifting you up throughout the day. Erik keeps praying "Jesus, please heal Elijah mighty quick." We love you guys so much and pray for God's miraculous peace, strength and endurance to cover and equip you moment by moment.

  6. Love to, Love to, Love to, Pray for you all! Eli is on our hearts and minds as we "pray continually" with the clouds of witnesses daily!

  7. Yes, we will keep on praying for sure, for dear little Eli and all of you. You are loved!
